Friday 27 February 2015

At least three elements for language universals

Supposition 1:
Three elements for language universals

For language universals, now I suppose at least three elements being  based from mathematical description.

Three elements for language universals are energy, dimension and distance.

The most fundamental element is energy. By this energy, all the movements and changes occur in language.
All the languages are located at a certain dimension in space. By this dimension, confusions in language are averted.
In language, all the movements and changes inevitably make distance occurred. By this distance, important phases of language are clearly defined.

Supposition 2:
Mathematical description for three elements of language universals

Energy, dimension and distance can be describe by mathematical writing.

Energy in language is now preparatory description til now.
For dimension, definite results are presented being aided by arithmetic geometry.
For distance, its vast and vagueness of the concept can not be grasped up. But related papers of mine are probably the most in number.

This paper is not finished.

27 February 2015

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